Thursday, May 2, 2024

Photo Investigation, Morgan Earp... Confirmed ; By Gene Stevens


Photo from Curley Bill has been killed 
by Glenn Boyer, Facing page opposite page 1
Assassinated on the Streets of Tombstone
In Tombstone, Arizona, on March 18, 1882, an assassin fired a rifle through the back door window of Bob Hatch and John Campbell’s saloon, killing Morgan Earp while he was playing a game of billiards. The first shot hit Morgan in the spine, and the second hit the wall near where his brother Wyatt was sitting.

There's an old saying, "curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought him back". This is the genealogist's bread and butter.  For those of us who are diggers... Wannabe archeologists, this is where we thrive. There is a quiet but active network of diggers out there, people who stay awake late at night, modern technology keeps us talking between each other sometimes until 2 or 3am. Sometimes sleep is interrupted by trips to our personal libraries to seek confirmations, which leads to additional emails to our sources of information. It was just that kind of late sleepless night that and some nagging question about photos of Morgan Earp. As we all know, there are many photos out there. But as I have personally said, each photo needs individual examination. Anything short of this is unethical and criminal.

The Morgan Earp Photo
Glenn Boyers "Curly Bill Has Been Killed at Last"

At Tombstone, Wyatt had been deputy sheriff from July to November 1880. Morgan replaced him as Wells Fargo messenger when Wyatt became Deput Sheriff .
-Glenn Boyer

In 1997 Glenn Boyer published a booklet called  " CURLEY BILL Has Been Killed at Last".
The book is a reflection of the saga of Wyatt Earps vendetta against the Cow-boy factions of Cochise County Arizona . Morgan Earp had been assassinated by members of the Cow-boy factions of the deserts around Tombstone.  But these are well known and sharpened fact. As I was collaborating with some other writers on the topic of Morgan Earps photo, the ongoing burning question arose.. Which photo is the authentic photo of Morgan Earp?
Photos of Glen Boyers booklet and autograph

But then it occurred to me that, somewhere in my personal library, I had seen a photo of Morgan, but it had been sometime, though I had an idea of where it was at. And BINGO. I went to my book shelf and pulled out Boyers book and there it was by page one of Curley Bill Has Been Killed. From there the photo made other connections. So I reached out to Author Scott Dyke. Scott was Glenn Boyers closest confidant in Glenns later days. It was Scott who helped disseminate Glenn's collection after had passed,
His (Dyke's) collection has several previously unknown artifacts germain to the Tombstone/Earp story and has copies and some original paperwork of the Boyer collection; gifted by Boyer. Dyke also has found/bought other paperwork and pertinent documents via his own research. 

Cover from Boyer's pamphlet, Morgan Earp
Brother in the Shadow.

According to Scott Dyke;
Boyer got that pic of Morgan from the family of Louisa Houston, his (Morgan Earp's) widow. (common    ( law) Emory (Cantey) had to buy it from Glenn. That is the correct one
-Scott Dyke

Photo courtesy of Emory Cantey     

Emory Cantey also told me that, yes, he purchased the photo from Glenn Boyer. Cantey has also told me that he considered Glenn a Father figure. 

-Gene Stevens

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