Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Last Buffalo Hunt In Iowa, By G.C. Stevens, Video by History Delights

The Last Buffalo Hunt 
(In Iowa)
August 20th 1863

In this is a fascinating story. Tom Hall and Kevin Schmitt from History delights explores the old town of Rolfe Iowa in search of the site of the last Buffalo Hunt in Iowa.
Located just north of county road C26 on 270th Ave (2 miles west and 1 mile north of Rolfe). Western Iowa is a beautiful area of rolling hills called the Loess Hills, which are the foothills of the great plains, that are just to the west across the great Missouri River. The plains were once very abundant with deer, elk and buffalo.                                                   
 Pocahontas County during this time was hunting grounds for both Indian tribes and settlers. The late 18oo's seen a great many buffalo hunted, and decimated populations of buffalo.
There is a historic marker northwest of Rolfe Iowa which shows the location of where the last buffalo in Iowa was killed.                                                                                         

According to information from a Pocahontas county website;

"The buffalo was shot by three men from Old Rolfe who headed west from Old Rolfe into the tall grass prairie area to hunt. After successfully spotting and downing the buffalo, two of the men returned to Old Rolfe to get a wagon to transport the meat. One man stayed with the buffalo while the other two retrieved the wagon; however, after waiting quite a while, the man left the buffalo to find his hunting companions. When the three men went back out to find the buffalo, they couldn’t seem to find it because of the very tall grass in the prairie. In an effort to find him, they walked in circles moving outward from the spot they thought the buffalo should be until they found the animal."

Historian Tom Hall Tells the story of
The Last Buffalo Hunt In Iowa
Video Narration by Tom Hall

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Incident on the Tallahatchie Bridge, over 50 years have passed By G.C. Stevens


The following story was originally published in 2018 (c)

Its been fifty years since the Country song artist Bobbie Gentry wrote the song “Ode to Billy Joe” .. Many of us can still hear the southern music and lyrics playing in our head, and last June 3rd marked the anniversary of the songs release, the first verse of the song brings back many haunting images ;

It was the third of June, another sleepy, dusty Delta day

I was out choppin’ cotton, and my brother was balin’ hay

And at dinner time we stopped and walked back to the house to eat

And mama hollered out the back door, y’all, remember to wipe your feet

And then she said, I got some news this mornin’ from Choctaw Ridge

Today, Billy Joe MacAllister jumped off the Tallahatchie Bridge..

Gentry lived as a young girl in Chickasaw county Mississippi, between the Yazoo and Tallahatchie rivers. It was there they she learned of the death of a close friend Billy Joe McAllister. The death of  the young Billy Joe sent shock waves through Chickasaw County. Young McAllister was the son of a local farmer who owned a large cotton plantation on the Yazoo river deep in delta country, and she was also the nephew of a Mississippi state Senator Isaiah Luther McAllister.

When the song “Ode to Billy” hit the charts in 1967, it took peoples imaginations by storm. And conversations erupted around water coolers throughout the nation. Everyone wanted to know what was thrown off the Tallahatchie Bridge in Mississippi. Gentry’s song held bits and piece of a puzzle and everyone knew it. In the fourth verse of the song says;

And mama said to me, child, what’s happened to your appetite?

I’ve been cookin’ all morning, and you haven’t touched a single bite

That nice young preacher, Brother Taylor, dropped by today

Said he’d be pleased to have dinner on Sunday, oh, by the way

He said he saw a girl that looked a lot like you up on Choctaw Ridge

And she and Billy Joe was throwing somethin’ off the Tallahatchie Bridge

Many people have speculated over the last fifty years, who Billy Joe McAllister really was and why the enigmatic character the Gentry talks about, who accompanied Billy Joe out onto the Tallahatchie Bridge. The entire incident was completely forgotten to fifty years of history and nearly washed away and buried in the muddy slow moving Tallahatchie River. In 1976 a movie was released based on the song “Ode to Billy Joe”..   Then somewhere out on the internet, an anonymous writer tells us more of the story.. This clue was found on the IMDB website without a writers name.

At last, we’re given the answers to the questions raised by the haunting 1967 Bobbie Gentry song of the same title. Eighteen- year-old Billy Joe McAllister is in love with Bobbie Lee, but her father refuses to allow her to receive gentlemen callers before she’s sixteen. In the Mississippi Delta, in a time before the boondocks had seen television and indoor plumbing, a young man’s fancy turns constantly to thoughts of love. Billy Joe is no different in this regard and his persistence is making it difficult for Bobbie Lee to maintain her virtue (the dog-earred issues of “Torrid Romance” don’t help either). Perhaps an indictment of the artificial conventions of society, the film demonstrates the tragic consequences of a young couple’s first awkward grapplings with love and sex. As Bobbie Lee says shortly after Billy Joe’s lifeless body is dragged from the Tallahatchie River, “What do I know of love… I’m only a child.” Yet, there seems little doubt that what she feels for the dead boy..

On June 03rd 2018, early in the morning, over fifty eight years ago. A young man, probably about the same age as young Billy Joe prior to his death stepped upon the banks of the Tallahatchie river with his fishing pole in search of catfish. He casted his hook deep into the muddy river, and immediately hooked a heavy object. As he reeled it into shore, he realized that weight on the end of his line was not a cat fish, or any other fish for that matter.  What he reeled in, was an old leather case. A case, which had probably been preserved under the mud of the Tallahatchie. Recent heavy rains may have uncovered the case. Suspecting that the leather case may have contained some unknown treasure, maybe gold, or old money, the young man took the case home with him. As he washed it off he could see the initials BJM etched in the side of the case deep into the leather. News got around quickly that the case probably once belong to Billy Joe McAllister. It was at this point that the Chickasaw County Sheriffs Department became involved, and the leather case was turned over to the Sheriff’s department for closer examination.

Certain unnamed members of the Sheriffs Department had parents and grand parents who recalled the haunting Tallahatchie incident, and many suspected that foul play was to blame for the death of Billy Joe. One senior member of the Chickasaw Sheriff’s department recalled talking to the one time Pastor of the Chickasaw Baptist Community church Joe Shelby, who Gentry described as the “young Preacher Brother Taylor” in her song Ode to Billy Joe, who said many years after; “I always knew that something deeply disturbing had occurred on the Tallahatchie Bridge, up on Choctaw Ridge in 67, but I could never prove it. Pastor Shelby then stated, ” I knew that Bobbie Lee Hartley had something to do with it”.  The leather case is now in the hands of the Mississippi state crime lab. The Sheriffs department  is keeping tight wraps on the case and Bobby Gentry could not be reached for comment.

The above story is fiction…

G.C. Stevens

Monday, September 2, 2024

Event Report; Civil War Reenactment Madrid Iowa; BY G.C. Stevens

                                HARPERS WEEKLY IOWA EDITION

SEPTEMBER 1st 2024

*See the Army of The Southwest for more photos and Information


The forces of the north and south and of the blue and gray, clashed in battle in the gentle rolling hills between the DesMoines and Beaver rivers. The confederate forces along with border ruffians and clashed with Union soldiers on the first day of a fierce battle in the rural hamlet of Madrid Iowa. Thew rattle of musketry and the booms of cannons could be heard all over the county. The Confederate ruffians were initially repulsed, but on the second day, the confederates returned with reinforcements and pushed the Union Army from the town. It later reported that the confederates had turned back to the south and moved out of the town. 
The above was reported by an embedded reporter with the Army of the Southwest
This was a wonderful event and I hope to do it again next year!
G.C. Stevens
Photo by Dennis Sasse
(It was just a flesh wound)
History Delights Story of The Civil War Reenactment

The Following photos were by the author

Remaining ASW Events in Iowa

          Corydon – Sept. 20 (kids day) 21-2
    Winterset – Oct. 12-13

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Frontier Tales Magazine; "Return to Tombstone'" by G.C. Stevens


I'm pleased to announce that my short story, "Return to Tombstone" was published by Frontier Tales Magazine. Please stop by and check out mt article, and the other articles on Frontier Tales and be sure to vote for your favorite one!

The Last Buffalo Hunt In Iowa, By G.C. Stevens, Video by History Delights

The Last Buffalo Hunt  (In Iowa) August 20th 1863 In this is a fascinating story. Tom Hall and Kevin Schmitt from History delights explores ...